Getrealhuman is committed to protecting the personal information you have to share with us while accessing this website. Hence, you are requested to review this privacy policy, where you can find more details about how we collect and process your information per your need and requirement. Using this website or services offered by us, you are required to share your personal information as you provide to us in connection with our relationship and collect the necessary information genuinely.
What personal information do we collect?
When you wish to collect information related to travel products and services or want to purchase a travel package, you must share your personal information and make your travel arrangements and booking especially. Therefore, you are required to share important personal data when you visit our website for the services including:
- Contact information such as email address, phone number, name of customer, residential address, and so on.
- You must share your passport and other important government photo ID details for future correspondence.
- Payment account information such as credit/debit card details, enter the card type, card number, security number, and expiry date.
- You must register yourself before accessing us with proper documents and information that should be true and approved by the government authority.
How do we collect personal data to maintain privacy?
We can connect your data only for the objective local data protection laws. Hence, sharing your personal information from the submitted information on the website is essential, and it maintains the relationship with us securely. We generally collect personal data when you
- Contact us using email, phone calls, letters, and email service.
- Visit our official website.
- Purchase or make inquiries about travel arrangements or other products and services.
- Enter details while registering on our website for the information for your need.
- Get information using social media services and so on.
How do we use your personal information?
When you collect your personal information from our website, it remains secure on our website, and you don’t need to bother in case your detail is shared with someone. We use your personal information when you contact us concerning travel booking, accommodation, and other services. Suppose you want to purchase travel products and services at and always mention information. In that case, we always disclose your details to a third party when you need support and assistance from other websites and get complete help smoothly. It is all about the internal process, and the purpose gets fulfilled without sharing personal details with a third party, as we are not authorized to do so.
Cookies and other technologies:
Sometimes we collect anonymous information from the website, which helps us provide information on your browser when you explore any technical and travel details. When you access the website, you have to accept the cookies on your device, and we keep track of the domain from which people visit, and we maintain privacy initially. If you don’t take the cookies, can’t get complete information, and cannot access the website to obtain valuable data ultimately, so maintain the privacy for your need and keep everything secured on the website genuinely.